ms - 美狮贵宾会·官方(中国)_美狮贵宾会美狮贵宾会

Smart Passenger Station Solution

Background and challenges

Solution Introduction


This plan is based on the widespread application of AI technology and products, achieving services such as passenger face to face travel, vehicle intelligent management, and station intelligent operation, optimizing service experience, reducing manpower investment, and improving the efficiency of passenger station operation and management.

Overview of the plan

Passenger intelligent services: face swiping to purchase (retrieve) tickets, self-service security checks, waiting services, self-service ticket checking and boarding, temporary ID card face swiping and self-service reissuance
Intelligent management of passenger vehicles: intelligent entry/exit, safety inspections, parking arrangements, departure space management, self-service shift reporting
Intelligent management of the station: blacklist control, trajectory tracking: precise person tracking, facial recognition access control& Attendance and visual monitoring

Logical architecture

Adopting a layered and modular design, it is mainly divided into three layers: perception layer, platform layer, and application layer. At the same time, the system provides external data output capability through a unified interface< Br> Perception layer:mainly implements the function of data collection, which is the foundation of the entire system's data source. Based on different needs, different end products and edge devices can be selected for deployment, mainly including face capture machines, network cameras, REID boxes, and other front-end access devices. By using the internet, front-end data collection can be uploaded to the back-end platform layer< Br> Platform layer:Process and store front-end access data, and call application layer data, providing various computer vision capabilities and facial recognition algorithm services for various applications< Br> Application layer:Implement platform data application, provide operational analysis, store management, enterprise management, and other functions, and provide data support for precise marketing of 4S stores and control of distributors by host factories.

Advantages of the plan

  • Passengers brush their faces and ride on their own, making travel convenient
  • Implement real name ticketing, with traceable records
  • Intelligent vehicle management to improve turnover efficiency
  • Help passenger stations improve operational management efficiency:
  • Unattended, reducing face costs
  • Accurate scheduling to improve operational efficiency
  • Control based on facial and human body recognition, strengthen management


Technical support
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Business Hours: 9:30-18:00 (Beijing time) from Monday to Friday

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